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Symphony I95 SPD flash file without password protected and Tested firmware 1000% working


mothersdreamtech.blogspot.com ওয়েবসাইট এ আপনাকে সাগতম,আমার সাইট এর 80% ফাইল ফ্রী,আপনাদের সুবিধার জন্য ফ্লাশ ফাইল টেষ্ট করে তারপর আপলোড দেওয়া হয়,তাই চিন্তা না করে ডাউনলোড করুন

Card found : 287D6A24 , v0139
Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.04

Load IDBase v1119 Ok!

Open : symphony_mk007_i95_HW1_V7@2019-01-16_16-07.pac
VER : BP_R1.0.0
LEN : 0xB09368C0
CPU : SM1801
VER : MocorDroid8.1_Trunk

Reading package ... 
Read package finished!

Patch Level    : OPM2.171019.012
Display ID     : i95_HW1_V7
Ver. Incmt     : 02314
Ver. CodeName  : REL
Ver. Release   : 8.1.0
Sec. Patch     : 2018-12-05
Build Time     : 1547619111
Product Model  : i95
Product Brand  : Symphony
Product Name   : i95
Product Device : i95
Product Board  : MK007
Product Info   : mk007
Product Manfct : Symphony
Product Board  : SM1801
Board Platform : sp9832e

Now you can solve the same kinds of problems such as: software errors, Boot loops & soft-brick situations. First of all you’ve to download the software onto your computer and install the Symphony I95 SPD flash file Without password. Wait, flashing is going on. It’s just need one click before the flashing is underway. Symphony I95 SPD Flash File Free Download, The developers also work on rooting applications and recovery images with the software but if you already changed that’s OK.
Now if back to stock Android on the device, they might give a hint flashing the firmware yourself instead of accepting the over-the-air updates. The flashing tools like as Android Phones flash tool are always computer applications. Most of times you can choose of what flashing tool that you want to use, like as: 

pass:  i95@12121

  1.  Problems missing file.
  2.  Hang Logo Fix
  3.  Quickly Flexible LCD.
  4.  Ram’s slow performance.
  5.  Your phone works slow.
  6.  Finally your phone hang logo.
  7.  Also Unwanted monkey / sexy virus.
  8.  Actually, your phone’s lights are late.
  9.  The complete problem of phone storage.
  10.  Finally unfortunately App has been stopped.
  11.  When the phone shows Black and White LCD.
  12.  As can be seen Automatically restart your phone.
  13.  Automatically install the application on your phone.
  14.  While unfortunately app has been stopped android.

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